- Brother Ansgar? - Yes! - Right, OK. - Oh hi there! - Well, what's the matter? - It's this! Have a seat? Haven't been able to do a single thing the whole morning! - Well, I'm sorry it takes time. We're moving to a whole new system and everybody wants help at the same time, you know... So you can't get in, right? - No, it just lies there! - Have you tried opening it? - Opening it?! Had it been that simple, I would hardly have called helpdesk, would I? - No, that's true... - Right! You'll take it to your shop, won't you? - No, should be fixed right away! You just do... like this... So! And then we're on! - Well, this far I got too! - OK? - But then I stopped, concerned that the text might get lost, so I dared not go on. - Yes, OK, but you see, inside here are maybe several hundreds of "pages" of stored text. So, to get further, you grab a leaf... like this... and then you... "turn over" to the next page... and then the text "continues" over there! - I "turn over", right? - You turn over, correct! - But... but... if I want to go back?? - Well you just turn over back, like this... and then you're back to the text you had before... nothing harmful. - OK, so it ends there.. and then... IT GOES ON HERE!!! OK, but if I want to finish for the day, then what do I do? - Then you just close the cover... like this... That's it! Now everything stays stored inside. - Sure I run no risk of losing any text there? - No, everything is stored there unless you, like, put fire to it, a little far out maybe... - OK, but you see, like... when you're accustomed to scrolls... it takes a wee bit time to convert to "turning over" leaves in a "book". But... Nice of you! - No problem! - OK, just one more thing before you leave! Once again... I open... like this... and then - what did you call it? - Turn over! - Turn over! Forward... and back! - Yes! And then it lies there! - Lies there... And when I'm finished, I just... close it!? - Right! - Neat! Great! - Bless you, Brother! - But hey, wait!! Beyond belief! Now it's like that again! I can't open it! Can't open! - You have the wrong end! You have to open it from the other end! - So that isn't equal then?! - No, you must open it from this end... like this! There you are! - Oh now I see! - Have you read the manual, by any chance? - The manual?? - There should be a manual enclosed, for the user's guidance... this must be it! There you can read it all! - Oh yes, that one. But here you have the same problem! Can't open! - THAT... we should have thought about, maybe..............