Invitation for

The 22th MBZB (Modell Bau Zirkel Basel) F2B World Cup (7th)

Place: - Untersiggenthal C/L circle (concrete) / Full line length o.k.
30 km West of Zurich / Switzerland.

- Camping o.k. / Hotels within 5 Min. (Reservation and Information: Rene Berger tel.: +41-56-222-1255)

Date: - 21. and 22. August 1999. (Training Friday 20. August)

Categories: - F2B and F2B Beginner. (Like in Naefels CH),
(This year no Scale, because same date as European championship F4!)

Entry: - Latest 14. August 1999 to: Martin Gafner, Ebenfeldstr. 14, CH - 4414 Fuellinsdorf, Switzerland or: